+27 (0)12 003 2878
The Gateway for South African Carbon Steel Tubes and Pipes Exports
Proudly South African
Manufactured Steel Tubes and Pipes
The Finest Steel
has to go through the hottest fire

Our Objective

The South African pipe and tube manufacturers have been exporting high-quality products for over 40 years. They are committed to sustaining and growing their export markets by providing quality products, excellent service and delivering on time through established logistic channels and distribution networks.

We are confident that you will receive prompt and efficient responses to your enquiries and look forward to servicing your requirements on an ongoing basis.

Interested in working with STEASA?

We are open to strategic partnerships that will help us forge a path for a greater and connected steel tube exporters’ network.

Our Partners:

The Southern African Institute of Steel Construction

The South African Department of Trade and Industry

The Engineering and Technology Grouping of Export Councils

Association of Steel Tube and Pipe Manufacturers

The Steel Tube Export Association of South Africa (STEASA)

has been established to develop sustainable, internationally competitive carbon steel tube and pipe export markets for South African Manufacturers. It was also developed to meet the broader South African national objectives of job creation, industry transformation, beneficiated export growth and industrialization.

Effectively utilizing all resources available within the industry to promote sustainable export growth, promote bilateral trade for existing manufacturers and by facilitating entry and investment into new markets.

Co-operation with industry stakeholders in the elimination of non-tariff barriers and restraints to global competitiveness.

Expediting and implementing processes that promote bilateral trade for existing manufacturers and by facilitating entry and investment into new markets.

The major markets supplied by STEASA members include:

The advantages of being a member

Facilitating Export Growth

STEASA facilitates export growth as follows:

Supporting Export Development

STEASA supports export development in the following way:

Promoting Our Members Internationally

STEASA promotes its members internationally via:

Upcoming event

Media Publications

Localisation perspectives – the steel viewpoint

In recent months the spotlight has been shone on government’s localisation plans, which aims to reduce imports and build domestic production to supply local and international markets, thus enabling job opportunities. But is localisation a sustainable option to develop SA or will it create further challenges?

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Outside Trade & Investment Mission Zambia

The steel Tube Export Association of South Africa took part in the OSIM Zambia on 12-16 August 2019 in Lusaka, Ndola and Kitwe. The mission was well organised and executed through the collaborative effort of the Engineering Technology Group of Export Councils (ETGEC) and the Trade & Invest Africa (TIA) staff heading up the mission.

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Macsteel seeks reimbursement for ‘unlawful’ duty payments

Macsteel CEO Mike Benfield is confident that the company has a strong legal case against the continued application of an 8% safeguard duty on hot-rolled coil (HRC) and confirms that it is also asking the court for an order granting that it be reimbursed for the duties paid since the extension was confirmed in August last year.

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